Site Speed Tips & Resources

Here are the resources covered.
Custom interactive report: (Must be logged into MAO gmail account)
Select your store, device, region, date range
Clickable elements to separate by device, landing page, browser, etc.
Top 10 pages, Top 10 Cities, slowest pages, fastest pages

Run 3rd part test (click advanced, select mobile iPhone, 4G connection, 3 tests)

Image Testing – run a quick scan of your images for further optimization ideas

Image compression tool, quick and easy. DDC will only accept certain file types, so keep it simple to MOZjpeg)

google site speed reports

Minimize the amount of widgets if possible. Use this simple code on images, youtube embed iframes and other iframes below the fold. loading=”lazy”

chrome is launching native lazy loading with its chrome browser.

lazy loading example
Image Lazy Load tag

The loading attribute supports the following values but we only need lazy:

auto: Default lazy-loading behavior of the browser, which is the same as not including the attribute.
lazy: Defer loading of the resource until it reaches a calculated distance from the viewport.
eager: Load the resource immediately, regardless of where it’s located on the page.